Friday, August 23, 2013

all natural

Let me give you some facts about myself.
1. I hate clothes.
2. I hate makeup.
3. I hate doing my hair.

Let me give you some more facts about myself.
1. I've worn nothing but soccer clothes all summer.
2. I haven't worn makeup in 76 days.
3. My hair has been on a heat fast for 76 days.

Let me give you one more fact.
**those previous three facts were the best decisions of my life**

I made it a goal to go the whole summer without makeup and blow drying/straightening/styling my hair and let me tell you what, I might just do this for the rest of forever because it made my life 570165% better. No joke, I think I'm on to something here. It cut the time I normally take getting ready in half and because I'm so lazy, that was like, a gift to myself every day. It was so great. Plus, I loooooove being able to rub my eyes whenever the crap I want to. Another gift to myself. It's like Christmas up in here.

Guess what else guys, I actually learned a few things. Who needs makeup? I can't tell you how many compliments I got about being a 'natural beauty'. Not trying to toot my own horn here or anything, but think about it! It was such a boost of confidence to hear that people think I look nice without having to put forth much effort. I was dressing for myself and no one else. And that made me one happy chick for 76 days straight. AND! When you leave your hair natural for that amount of time, it grows. Told you I was on to something. It may look a little crazy every now and again, but it's so worth it! And those nasty split ends? Gone. Natural hair is happy hair.

I'm so glad I did this all summer because I realized that I don't need those few things in my life to feel pretty or to get attention or to feel good about myself. Being me and doing things for me and only caring about how I see myself is so wonderful. There is nothing quite like loving yourself the way Heavenly Father created you.

Give it a try ladies. No makeup and natural hair. It'll make your life better and you'll feel great about yourself. I promise.

I'm completely serious about what I just wrote. But I thought this picture was nice so please enjoy.

//no makeup no worries\\

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