Thursday, November 26, 2015

david and goliath

Here we are at the near end of yet another semester of college. After a year and a half of this stuff you'd think I'd be a pro at it. WRONG! Guys..... This semester was SO hard. So so so so hard. 
That's why the theme has been appropriately declared as trial of the faith.

It has been such a trial of my faith. And at times, I felt like I was in a deep dark hole that I couldn't ever climb out of. The amount of stress has been crippling. The soccer season was pretty much hell. There's always some kind of drama with boys. School, friends, soccer, my confidence, literally everything has been on the rocks at one point or another. 
Talk about baggage haha.

I have never been so physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted in my entire life. Seriously there are no words to describe how hard it has been. I feel like the flood gates burst and trial upon trial has been poured out upon my life. 

I had more than one breakdown. One of which included standing in the middle of the kitchen sobbing my eyes out because the chocolate chip cookies were taking too long in the oven. Well, the cookies and 6439286429 other things I felt were weighing down on me. But halfway through the semester, I had a talk with my coach. He could tell I wasn't on my A game as an athlete and as a person. So he just asked if I was okay (which obviously I wasn't) and then proceeded to tell me about David and Goliath.

We are all fighting battles each and every day. It might be a test that we feel completely unprepared for, or a friend who don't understand how to be a good friend. It might be a lacerated kidney (shout out to you Rachel), or even spiritual battles. Whatever it is... we are David fighting our own personal Goliaths each and every day. We might feel like there is no way that we can go to war and come out on top. Everything might be pinned against us. But I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.....
 SPOILER ALERT: David wins.

David wins! With literally nothing going his way, he wins. BUT HOW??!!!!

 Many brave warriors stepped up to the challenge of fighting Goliath, yet not one of them found success. They each approached the battle the same way. Hand to hand combat, fully clothed in heavy armor. They were basically handing themselves over to Goliath on a silver platter. Since he suffered from gigantism, Goliath had to fight up close. He needed to use his strength to take down his enemies with his hands because he had terrible vision. Goliath had to fight a certain way and everyone accepted that. They all approached him in the same way and were surprised when they got the same results.
David was the exception. He recognized that it was possible to win the fight if he approached it in a different way. David was half of Goliath's size, not the most skilled at fighting, and definitely not the number one pick for any team's draft.
But he didn't let that hold him back. He stepped up to the fight confident and ready to take down Goliath and that's exactly what he did. 

So that's what we have to do!!!

Trials suck. But here's the reality of the situation. We need them to grow. That is part of our great purpose here on earth! We are sent trials to test our faith and our willingness to stay on the Lord's side. We are here fighting the good fight and I will continue to battle with everything I have until the fight is won.

But sometimes..... most of the time... we can't fight all on our own. We need a homie to help us out! And we are so in luck. We have Jesus Christ fighting right by our side. There is no other person that can give us the strength that we need to get through the day, the week, the semester. The atonement is there for our sins and resurrection, but it is also there for every other aspect of our lives. President Boyd K Packer explained: "He had no debt to pay. He committed no wrong. Nevertheless an accumulation of all of the guilt, the grief and sorrow, the pain and humiliation, of all the mental, emotional, and physical torments known to man--he experienced them all." Isn't that incredible? There is nothing that we feel or experience that the Savior hasn't already felt or experienced. Pains, weakness, sickness, loneliness, stress, heartache, failure, rejection.... the list goes on and on. But Christ knows how to give us comfort and relief and strength to overcome our struggles and our suffering because he willingly experienced them as an essential part of his atonement. 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me."

Christ is our battle partner. But guess what? He won't give us help unless we ask for it! We all need to seek him and ask for the blessings of the atonement upon us. He is perfectly positioned to lift us and  give us the strength we need to endure our afflictions. All we have to do is remember to ask. You might think we're doing fine on our own until you have a breakdown in the kitchen over cookies like I did... 
Guys... we are never fine on our own. 
We NEED Christ to succor us. 
Allowing him to  help us with any aspect of our struggles can be the sweetest experience. The Savior is there for all of us and he will wrap us up in his warm loving arms if we remember to turn to him. He might not take our trials away but he will ABSOLUTELY give us the power and patience to get through them. He will make weak things become strong. I KNOW this to be true. 

Many times this semester I have been desperate for relief. I have needed to take a step back and approach the fight in a completely different way. And even though I'm stubborn and like to do things for myself on my own.. I have needed the Savior's help. 
I have never felt as close to my savior as I do now. First comes trials, and if we endure them well, next comes blessings. The flood gates of trials that had burst have now been rebuilt stronger than ever and I have been beyond blessed. Seriously you guys. This has been the hardest semester but it has also been the best because of all the blessings that have come out of it. 

I have grown so much over the past four months. And I am SO happy! The Sierra that came home from college in the spring is long gone and a more mature, understanding Sierra has taken her place!!
(hahaha more mature as I talk about myself in third person. it's fine)

I love SVU with all of my heart. And I have a new love for trials too. All I know is that life is good and experience is good and God is good and his timing is perfect. I needed this semester. I don't really know why, but I do know that because I survived it, I'm a better person.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Shoutout to homeboy: 1 year

One whole year has come and gone since my cute best friend answered the call to the work. This young man has grown so much spiritually and it has been a great joy for me to witness that. He has faced a lot of trials and hardships on his mission, but one of my favorite things is to read how positive he always stays. He is so obedient and strives to do whatever the lord throws his way.
 He loves the people of Peru. He loves serving the lord. And for that, I love him!!!!
 Happy one year to you, homeboy.
 Keep up the great and marvelous work. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

the endless summer

Well my friends, we are to the end of another summer under the Idaho sun. (or Idaho roof if you were like me and watched Netflix nonstop) From workouts to family night to having a job, I would say that this summer is officially one for the books. 

Although I did have a lot of fun relaxing and going to Crossfit every day, there were some days where it was all I could do to not scream into a pillow because of how bored I was. I got to the point where I would do three workouts in one day just to keep myself occupied.


1. Don't be afraid or ashamed to spend time with your family. They're most likely going to be your only friends for three months so let lose and be silly! This includes cousins, grandparents, and aunts/uncles.
Bowling night with my mom's brothers is always a party. With these hooligans, there is no way you can't have fun!

My sister might be the coolest person to ever walk this planet (aside from me).

My dad and I went to the Boise Music Festival this summer. Aside from sweating profusely and all the drunk people, it was a really really really fun weekend with my daddy.

Kylee. Raddest cousin on the planet.

Soccer games and shopping in Utah is too fun when it's with my mom and sister.

2. It's perfectly acceptable to travel. Go see the friends you do have if they are close by, make your mom take you shopping down in Utah (especially get her to pay for everything). It's nice to just break up the routine, even if you go by yourself.

My best pal Uri came to visit for a week so duh we had to show her some good Idaho fun. To to that we went hiking in Wyoming.


True beauties inside and out (at least that's what my mom says)

My other best pal Mac had her family reunion in Bear Lake so I met up with her and Ashley for the day.

These are seriously my favorite girls.

3. Binge on Netflix and nap time while you have a chance. If you aren't busy, and don't have anything else to do, take a nap! They help pass the time anyways haha.
My favorite spot to take naps was on this couch with my sweet doggy snuggled up on my lap.

4. Find a job that you love. The job I had this summer war really really good for me. They were flexible and didn't give me a boat ton of hours so I still had time to do other things. Plus it gave me some great job experience and I learned some very valuable things from it. However, I didn't love it and would probably choose something different for next summer.
Just taking a break from the workplace to grab some lunch. It's whatever.

This is what not fun looks like.

5. Take the time to work on yourself. Evaluate your levels of health and spirituality (and other things of course) and decide if the things you are doing will help you reach your goals. Whatever those may be.
Reading helps you achieve your goals. I did not enjoy this book though.

I also tried to improve myself by learning how to walk in high heels. Let's just say it's a work in progress.

Moral of the story..... enjoy your summer kids. Although it may seem like it's the longest three months of the whole year, they can also be some of the best. So live while you can, relax while you can, and enjoy every minute.

Now enjoy some summer snapshots.....
Longboarding around the river was a favorite.

The view from the green belt.

Hanging out with this spitfire.

Ball games with the family.

Mountain biking like a champ.

Supporting the US during the world cup.

Trying to convince her that I was mom's favorite.

Tubing with Ashley and Mac.

Golfing with rad cousin Kylee.

And eating ice cream before bed with my daddy.

The End

Sunday, August 9, 2015

the three B's

Lucky me, I got to give a talk in church right before leaving for SVU again. Chiggity check it out peeps. 

Last week brother Jacobson came to my house and asked me to share some things that I have learned from my family that have helped me throughout my time in college. I immediately thought yesssss this is the perfect topic for me because I love my family and I love southern Virginia university so sweet deal that I get to talk about both amirite?

Alright. My family. I guess I could talk about things like how I've learned it's important to be kind to your family members, and in turn other people, when they beat you in fifa or else you might end up feeling really bad and having to repent for the mean things you say to them because you are a sore loser. Or I could talk about how I've learned to carefully plan my nap schedule in between running errands for my busy mother which translates to carefully planning my nap schedule in between running errands for my busy college self.

But I've decided to narrow it down to one thing from each family member that I've come to learn is crucial in a college setting, and in life in general. I like to call these the three B's

First we'll start with Lyndsey. My sweet and sassy little sister is the zest of our family. If you know her at all, you know that she has so much energy she could easily put the energizer bunny to shame. She is constantly moving and talking and dancing and bouncing off the walls, and sometimes just watching her makes me feel like I need to take a nap. But she has taught me something that has served me so well and will continue to do so. 
She has taught me to BEAR TESTIMONY. 
By this I mean it in the literal way like getting up during fast and testimony meeting to share my feelings about my savior and his great church, but I also mean it in more of an example type of way. 1 Timothy 4:12 says Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
 Lyndsey has taught me the real meaning of this scripture. I can bear my testimony by my words, attitude, and actions, just like my little sister does. Lynds is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. She knows what's right, and even when she gets pressure from others around her, she is able to stand firm and defend her beliefs.
 She sets the example for me by saying some of the most heart felt thought out prayers that I have ever heard. She isn't afraid to dive right in to discussions about church related topics with our family or friends. She isn't afraid to do her own thing when she notices that some of her friends are hanging out with the wrong crowd. If there is something on her mind, she isn't afraid to say it. Watching her and hearing about her strong will to bear testimony in whatever she does, whether she realizes she's doing it or not, has come in so handy for me.
 Belonging to a school like SVU that is dominantly LDS and has such high standards has made it easier to stick to my beliefs. But there were a handful of times last year that I found myself in certain situations and felt the need to stand firm in my testimony by saying things like, "instead of watching this R rated movie, how about we watch something more appropriate" or "I would love to go up to the fields and kick a soccer ball around instead of sit through three hours of church but I'm going to go to church anyways because I know it's the right thing to do." In this way, I am remembering my sister and bearing testimony by standing up for what I know is right.

Next is my dad. My dad and I are basically the same person. We both like to watch movies, we both have a hard time dealing with incompetent people, we have the same sarcasm, we just get each other. So I try to listen to his advice as best as I can. Last year, as we were hugging good bye and my family was getting ready to fly home after driving me out to school, he said two words that have stuck with me. BE SMART. At first he said this and I thought, "yeah dad sure I'll go to the library and study and whatnot." But after really thinking about this simple yet powerful phrase, I've come to learn that it means so much more than just being a good student. Whenever I make plans I think BE SMART. Whenever I leave my apartment I think, BE SMART. To be smart means to use wisdom and judgement in all that I do. Living 20000 miles away from home, I've had to grow up and really learn about the responsibilities of taking care of myself. I've learned how important it is to eat good food, get the rest that I need, and plan adequate time for homework and studying. I've learned about being smart with boys and staying away from the type of people that I know wouldn't have a good influence on me. I've learned that being smart means being a safe diver and not being careless about things that should be taken seriously. So basically, to be smart is to be responsible. I've applied this phrase heavily towards my physical and temporal needs while at school. But I've also learned a little about being smart when it comes to my spirituality as well. As members of the church we all are all responsible for seeking our own salvation and the salvation of others. During General Conference last spring, Elder Jorge F. Zebellos of the Seventy said these two responsibilities that have been trusted to us, which we freely accepted, must define our priorities, our desires, our decisions, and our daily conduct. We must press forward by learning our duty, making correct decisions, acting according to those decisions, and accepting the will of our Father. In other words, we need to be smart.
 BE SMART covers just about anything and everything. It's a short and sweet phrase that I have adapted to every aspect of my life and will continue to use until the day I die. And I'm so thankful that I have such a sweet father who knows how to give me direction. 

Last but certainly not least is my mom. I've learned so many things from her over the years I could probably write a book about it all. She has taught me how to have a good work ethic and how to laugh at yourself when you sing and dance in the car. She is like the coolest mom ever so it came as no surprise when my friends wanted to hang out with her as much as they wanted to hang out with me. My best friend Rose would come over to my house and say, "Michele I need your wisdom." So the three of us would sit in our kitchen for hours and talk about everything from boys to school to jobs to just about anything else you could think of. One of these special therapy sessions stands out to me in particular. Rose and I were in the midst of our teenage years and getting ready to go to high school, so of course we needed all the motherly wisdom we could get. I don't remember the exact context of the conversation, but I do remember one very powerful thing she taught us.
She very strongly impressed that we were at the time in our lives when building this foundation was crucial. She promised that if we were steadfast in our testimonies of our Savior and built ourselves up on him, then we would be able to handle anything that the adversary would throw in our paths. Going to college can be a scary thing. There are so many temptations that can potentially throw anyone off balance and cause foundations to crumble if they aren't built correctly. Scripture study, prayer, weekly church attendance, and institute are all good things but the one thing that can withstand any storm or temptation is a sure belief in Christ. 
Helaman 5:12 says And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you,it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation wherein if men build they cannot fall.
My mothers words and this scripture have definitely helped me at school. I know that because my foundation is built on Christ, I don't need to worry when a trial comes my way. And my relationship with my Savior has only grown since being at school. I'm so thankful that my mom taught me this lesson because I know that without my sure foundation in Christ, I would not have had such a wonderful college experience.

Families are one of Heavenly Father's greatest gifts and they are essential to his eternal plan. I'm so thankful that he has blessed me with such a wonderful family that supports me and loves me unconditionally. This summer I've learned just how precious spending time with them is. And while I'm certainly going to miss them when I go back to school, I'm also thankful that I have found a family in my soccer team, coaches, and friends 2000 miles away so that I can continue to receive the blessings that come from families.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

the rain jacket

When you're a collegiate athlete, there's so much to get excited about. Home games where all your friends are there to cheer for you, repping the uniform with your school name on it, a full intense 90 minutes, and of course the swag. Now I don't mean like personality ego swag (which can be part of it too), I'm talking about swag as in stuff. There's cleats that are your school colors, warm up shirts, practice outfits, sweats, socks, and of course.... The rain jacket. I know what you're thinking. What's so great about a rain jacket? Which was the exact thought I had when I learned we had rain jackets in our player packs and all the returners were getting excited about them. It keeps you from getting wet. So what? 

Well I'll tell you what. That rain jacket is the most comfortable, stylish, good looking rain jacket I have ever worn in my life. Which is saying a lot because I've worn a fair number of rain jackets. It's long so it doesn't get bunched up behind a backpack. It's lose and a little baggy so it's mega comfortable. It's light so you can wear it by itself if it's hot or layer it with a sweatshirt underneath if it's cold. And you can stuff it into any bag so it's the perfect jacket to bring anywhere you go. Seriously people. I'm obsessed with this thing. 

We were supposed to give them back to our coach, along with all the other gear we couldn't keep, at the end of the season. But we all begged him to let us keep our stuff until the end of the school year. Mostly just for the rain jackets. I wore that thing almost every day. It was like I was going to a funeral when I had to finally give it back! That jacket and I have been through a lot together and we share a very special bond. 

I can't wait to go back to school in just 5 weeks. I can't wait to have another amazing season of soccer with some of my very best friends. And I can't wait to get that rain jacket back. Trust me, if you could wear one, you would understand. 

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

hey rain jacket

Love you long time rain jacket. Don't worry, I will be reunited with you soon, my precious.