Sunday, March 29, 2015

sister sunday

When I was little, I wanted a baby sister so bad. More than my five year old little self could even handle. Every night, when I would say my prayers, I would ask Heavenly Father to please please please please please please please send me a baby sister of my very own. This went on for months.
Finally.... my parents told me that my prayers had been answered and that my little sister was coming!
March 24th is one of the best days of the year.
I would say it's the best but that title obviously belongs to October 31st. You're welcome world.
The day my sister graced the earth with her presence was one of the best days of my little five year old existence. I remember it so vividly! I walked into the hospital room where my mom was holding this tiny little baby. I crawled right up onto the bed next to her and held that tiny, sweet-smelling bundle for the first time.
Then I counted her fingers and toes to make sure she was normal. I don't know.. five year old logic.

She is an all star of a ballroom dancer.
She speaks whatever is on her mind and half the time I end up laughing so hard I can't catch my breath.
The boys are all after her and she doesn't even look twice at them... total heart breaker. (i've taught her well)
She excels in school and it a fantastic writer and comes up with these really cool stories that blow my mind sometimes.
She's the ultimate adventure buddy.
She's my favorite person to snapchat.
She's crazy and weird and totally obnoxious..... all things she obviously learned from me.

**hahahaha she was so sick when I came home for Christmas break. Poor child. Super funny picture though haha**

**one thing about Lynds.... she never shuts up. This was my sneak attacking a picture of her telling me some random story. She definitely has the gift of gab**

**Some people think we are literal twins..... (do I really look 14?)**

**She loves to dance and she is SO DARN GOOD**

**Classic Lynds adventure pose**

**Isn't she just the cutest?**


Don't you wish your sister was as cool as mine? 

She's my best friend and even though we don't always get along, we're always there for each other. What more could you ask for?

So shout out to you, sissypoo. Thanks for keeping me company in this family. Without you I'd be one sad sorry sisterless fool!



  1. C-ratchet. I may have shed a tear or two reading this post. Totes adorbs.
