Sunday, January 18, 2015

soccer is life


 I love soccer more than life itself 99.9% of the time. Finally getting to practice and play with people that were on the same level as myself was amazing. I'll always remember that first practice. I was so nervous but soooo excited at the same time! It just felt so good to be out on that field. I knew right from the start that I had found my home.

Coach types up the starting lineup and posts it outside his office. I had butterflies on my way to go check that baby out. Was I going to be a stater? That's all I wanted. I wanted to start as a freshman and have a strong impact on this team on the field right away. Well one of my dreams came true as I found my name on the starting lineup!!!! Holding center mid baby. That is MY spot. I was there with a few other teammates and as when I saw what was on the list I just let out a huge sigh (of relief) and turned to everyone there and said.. "I just love soccer" They all just laughed haha. That first game was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Part of my brain was like what the heck are you doing out here, you don't know how to play soccer, this is crazy! And then the other half of my brain was telling me to calm the heck down, just do what you know how to do, you are more than prepared for this, you are a soccer all star!! I played the entire game. SAY WAAATTTT??? By the end of the match I was dead. Completely exhausted. But soooooo soooooo happy. 
**squint to see my cute little name on this cute little list**

College soccer is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me haha. I really just can't explain how much I love it!! There are no words to describe the feeling it gives me. I just love it THAT much. I learned so much this season as well. It pays to have a coach who cares as much as I do and who knows what he's talking about. I've grown as a player in so many ways. I'm more confident with the ball at my feet and my mental game has improved as well. (which is huge... soccer is a game for smart people). Seriously you guys. I just love it soo much!
When the season ended I was literally depressed for like a week. I didn't know what to do with myself and all the free time I had. It was also weird staying up later than 10:30 haha. #athleteprobs
Traveling with the team was so fun. We partied on those holidy bused like no one's business. (aka I passed out after 5 minutes). And teams who snuggle together stay together. We had team dinners and team devotionals. Supported the men's team together and represented our team at all school functions. We were basically the coolest on campus. No lie no lie.
 (we also had the most swag of all the athletic teams in the school. it's fine)
This season consisted of.......
**the six of us super stars all had biology at 7am this semester**

**because classes started while we were still in preseason, we obviously had practice at the crack of dawn. this was the first day of school post practice glam shot we had to take to send to all our moms**

**training room antics**


**two of my favorite things**

**soccer and sunsets**

**gettin fierce for pregame**

**our first game as college athletes**

**team dinners are always a good time haha**

**ice baths are life**

**travelling with Brig and Cam**

**hotel cuddle puddles**

**I have the best teammates. I felt so sick after this game and they came and laid by me just to keep me company**

**more ice baths**

**more bus rides**

**everything is a competition with the men's team. Especially when it comes to choosing the movie on the bus**

**oh hey Jam**

**we ran that hotel**

**we slept together haha**

**I spent a lot of time in the training room. Gotta love sore muscles**

**my picture made it on the school athletic page!**

**we all dressed up for a halloween practice**

**weights are awesome and so are dirty hands from flipping tires**

**we out here**

**we chest bump before kick off every time**

**just doin my thang**

**this is what I love**

My first college soccer season has been everything I could have asked for and more. I love my team, I love this school, and I LOVE THIS SPORT!!!

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