Sunday, November 24, 2013

not a bad wednesday night

SURPRISE!!! We're going to the JAZZ GAME. And if you think that's the best part, you're wrong.
We're flying.

After coming home from a stressful day of twelfth grade, hearing these words come out of your mom's mouth is more than enough to make you want to scream and run laps.

Guys. I LOVE THE JAZZ. Too bad they suck this year. 

But I guess we we're their good luck charm because the one game they actually won was the game we were at. That's what's up kids.

So basically I'm in love with Gordon Hayward. We're like the same person. I play center midfield and he's like the center midfield of basketball. He makes really good passes... I make really good passes. He scores sometimes and mostly from far out... I score sometimes and mostly from far out. He's number 20..... I'm number 2.... Both have a 2 in it!!! We're basically meant for each other, am I right?
Sorry not sorry to all those hopeful boys out there wanting my love. You have no chance.

Even though they're going through a little rough patch this season, the Jazz will always be my favorite and I will support them until I die. And I'm so grateful we had this special opportunity! 


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