Friday, November 1, 2013

a week in the life

So basically I had the coolest week ever. I was given the opportunity to visit SVU again for a second recruit trip. So DUH I jumped on that! I was so nervcited. It was gonna be a blast! And my whole goal for the trip was to experience what it would be like if I were to go to school there in a year. I think I accomplished that pretty well.

So here's some handy dandy highlights (and lowlights) of the week:

I had to get up at 3:50 IN THE AM to catch my flight out of IF. That was a struggle and a half for sure.
//the view of the sunrise from the plane\\
Virginia was absolutely B-E-A-Utiful!Like for real. Reds and Yellows and Oranges all over the place. Love Love Love.

Bugs=bad. There was the biggest bug in our room right above my bed. It was sick nasty. But don't worry. I slayed that beast like a knight in shining armor. (that's funny because the SVU mascot is the knights. HA!)
//no joke it was like three inches long\\
//don't leave the windows open at night time kids\\
//especially if you're in virginia\\

Everyone was sooooo nice! After I met someone, it wasn't like, "oh you're a soccer recruit. cool." and then they left me alone. People talked to me and asked me all kinds of questions. And I felt like I made some friends! I got to hang out with some of the freshman girls on the team and some of their close friends all week. We just chilled and played ping pong and watched the World Series (go sox) and it was so awesome. And completely weird at the same time because halfway through talking to a really nice guy, I'd find out he was an RM and my mind would be blown. Like holy crap. I'm having normal conversations with returned missionaries who are like 5 years older than me. And I was fitting in. AND ENJOYING IT. Holy poop. I must be growing up or something. 
//some of my new friends\\

Watching their girls team play was the Okay, I'm the type of player that when I'm watching a game from the sidelines I analyze everything. I think to myself ohhh pass it there and this will happen, or dribble through and cut a pass back and you could create an awesome goal opportunity, or even jog back to that gap so when this person gets the ball you're in the perfect position to make a play. Yeah. Some call it crazy. I call it passion. So that's exactly what I was doing while I was sitting on the sideline with the team. Holler atchya gurl. It made me so fetching excited to play, I just can't even put it into real words. (i guess i just did buuuuttt yeah....) (awkward).
//my view of the starting line up\\

//this was me watching them practice\\

Okay the food situation sucked. Because of all my lame allergies I legit ate nothing all week. The cafeteria at SVU is beyond pathetic. It's so small and the options are so weak! Let me just say that the freshman 15 is real..... Unless you're Sierra. Then it would be the freshman -15. Or -50. Give or take. I'm just glad that my sweet mommy packed enough food for me to survive for four days. Hallelujah.

I got to go to class as a college student! It was like high school on steroids. Especially since it's such a small school, there were no joke 16 kids in one of the classes. It was a grand time.
//this was a philosophy class. is it weird that i was enjoying it?\\

College kids are weird. Especially weird Mormon ones. (i mean that in the most loving way possible). We went to FHE on Monday when I got there and it was hilarious. It was like a lame mutual activity times 10 but everyone was way into it. Seriously I died. But on the flip side... the LDS environment was flippin awesome. You could feel it everywhere. The team said prayers before their game and their practice, I went to institute, seriously all the guys were RMs or planning on going on a mission, and one of the four main questions I was asked when I met someone new was "are you a memeber?" I was so proud to be able to answer yes to that question. And way stoked that the head coach told me to pray about my decision again. Seriously it was so awesome to be in that kind of environment. The church is so true.
//me and mah roommate killin it at FHE\\

The dorm life is a cool life. Two Chainz.

I've never panicked more in my life than when I had to make a flight connection coming home. I flew in to Chicago from Roanoke and had 3 minutes to get from one gate to the next. Or. That's. What. I. Thought. We hadn't even parked at the gate when the boarding time for my other flight started. AND I had to wait for my stupid carry on bag because they had to put it under the plane because the plane was so stinking small! GAY. So after saying like 50 prayers (some of them out loud), and sprinting--LITERALLY SPRINTING--to my next gate, I made it. Barely. So close that I'm pretty sure I was the last freaking person on the freaking plane. I was running on pure adrenaline and when I finally sat down in my seat and could catch my breath I was sweating profusely and my hands were shaking like mad. It was nuts. All I know is that prayer works and I made my flight. WHEW!
//during all that panic i somehow managed to snap a pic of the final boarding sign....?\\

So that pretty much sums up some of my favorite parts. But guess what peeps. We're not done! I made a video!!! Get excited everyone. It's the most amateur thing I've ever done in my life (besides redo my room) (if you missed that whole ordeal and you're dying to know what the heck i'm talking about, go find that post because i'm too lazy to find it for you) I lost my train of thought..... Oh yeah.... It kind of shows my week in a nut shell. So take the next five minutes of your life and watch this bad boy.

disclaimer: you might get motion sickness. deal with it.

(hold on. the vid is coming. computer is being dumb. like a lot. and i'm sad. and i just want to be done working on this post because i've been sitting here for over an hour(s) and Gabe is waiting for me and this is turning into the most marathon post of my life and i'm dying of heat because my sweatshirt is too hot and my fingers are cramping because i've been typing so i'm going to be done now. the vid is coming) i promise.

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