Thursday, March 5, 2015

i miss // for G-money

I miss you always checking up on me, sending me a random text in the middle of the day when you knew I was busy and stressed just to tell me you were thinking about me.

I miss playing UNO with you and making you so mad because I always kicked your butt.

I miss going on drives with you and listening to Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber. We didn't have to talk about anything. Just drive and rock out and enjoy each other.

I miss having you play with my hair and throw a legit fit when I threatened to cut it.

I miss going on walks around the river, talking about the most random stuff like how our brains work or what we ate for lunch.

I miss making you watch Pretty Little Liars with me (even though we both know you liked it).

I miss the sound of your voice and your sweet contagious giggle. I miss making you laugh. I miss knowing exactly what to say to make you curl over with tears streaming down your face because it was just THAT funny.

I miss having deep conversations with you and my parents. I miss having you come over and sitting and talking to my mom like the whole time haha. You were just as good of friends with my parents as you were with me!

I miss the way I'd catch you looking at me if we were in a big group of people. You always had to let me know in some way that you took notice of me.

It's been six whole months. Six whole months without my best friend. Six months without texting, facetiming, calling. Six months without knowing you were only 2000 miles away instead of 4000.

We've made it six whole months.

I'm so happy that you are in Peru

I'm so happy that you love it there and consider it home.

I'm so proud of how hard you are working and how much you love every experience. You're always positive and you always find the good in everything and everyone.

I love that your emails go back and forth between spanish and english. And I especially love that your spelling is absolutely atrocious haha.

I love that you know what's important. And I love that you are striving to be as obedient as possible.

You're a stud of a missionary, Gabriel Eli. I miss you lots but six months was easy.

The next six months will be even easier, and the next six after that will fly by, and the next six will be here and before we both know it, you'll be back.

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