Sunday, January 18, 2015

these are my people

Some say you meet your best friends in college. I say this is 110% true. 
Seriously. These people are MY people. And I love them like family!!! They are my family.
These people are some of the funniest, kindest, swaggiest, most caring, wholehearted, spiritual people I know. And I can honestly say that these people are my best friends and will be for the rest of my life.

Shout out to Al for being my big sister and for giving me piggy back rides in the middle of practice and for listening to my boy stories and for helping me with biology.

And for our hump day shirts because they're the tits.

Shout out to MAC for being so sassy and so smart and so willing to laugh at my jokes and silliness all the time and for being my freshman starter buddy.

I love you like a love song baby

Shout out to AUSTIN for being so weird and for having some of the best dance moves and for naming me sigratata and for you gimpy pinky and for being so funny and so lovable all at the same time.

And for making us all your wives.

Shout out to URI for being extremely snarky and sarcastic and for giving me good advice and sending me ugly snapchats and for always being someone I can laugh my guts out with.

And for always making the best faces in the pictures we take together.

 Shout out to NICK for having late night conversations in my truck and for having a bit of a wild side and for coming up with the weirdest dares for what are the odds and for taking me on a really fancy date and for thinking my silliness is funny.
And for teaching me how to speak Chinese.

Shout out to KADEE for being so adorably irrational and for always complimenting me and for taking photos of everything and for coming up with fun activities for us to do.


And for being so fierce and so sweet all at the same time!

Shout out to JAKE HEATH for being so smart at bio and for being so manly and for constantly quoting the best movies with me.

And for loving Chipotle as much as I do. Because Chipotle is my liiiiiiffeeee.

Shout out to ASHLEY for that one practice where we were partners and dominated and for being so cute always and for being so good at doing hair and for staying positive through all the hard things that were thrown her way this semester.

And for that hair flip. Obviously.

Shout out to ZACH for being a mountain man and for making bonfires and for having the best laugh and for being so sweet.

And for being an Idahomie.

Shout out to EMMA for being the only Canadian I like and for being so funny and for dressing so classy and for saying washroom instead of bathroom and for being rational most of the time and for doing online quizzes with us.
And for being the best team manager/mom that has ever been

Shout out to CONNER for being the best/worst singer  and for being goofy and for being so swaggy and a little moody and for yelling funny things for no reason.

And for snapchatting me nonstop during winter break.

Shout out to CABOT for being such a sweetheart and for always checking up on me and for being a terrible baker and for being just as awkward and silly as I am and for drives up to the parkway with super good music.

And for being my number one facetime buddy.

And special shout out to all the rest of my best friends for making my first semester of college unforgettable.
Because of these people, I love college.
Spontaneous trips to DC
Movie nights
Jam sessions
Random car rides
Study sessions
Football games
Testimony meetings
Going out to eat
Late night adventures to Walmart
Deep talks
What are the odds
Snuggle sessions
And a billion memories

I love you guys. And I mean it. I have grown so much over the semester and you all have helped shape me into the person I am and the person I'm supposed to be. So thank you :)

(insert emotional emojis here)

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