Thursday, August 7, 2014

the outdoors and stuff

I have been pretty lazy this summer. Sleeping in till the early afternoon, watching movies and TV pretty much every day, eating my weight in magic chocolate marshmallow brownies.... Let me tell you, it's been great. The inside is a nice place to be. And being lazy?
I'm a fan.


If that's ALL I did this summer then that's pretty pathetic.

So I'm here to tell you all about my OUTDOOR adventures.

This summer has been filled with all things out of doors. I'm talking boating, hiking, cabin-ing, the works.
I guess you could say that it's been ULTRA MEGA FUN.
(I just don't like dirt. LOLZ.)

^^Rose shreds the gnar like a true wake pro^^

^^I learned a thing or two about myself this summer. I say I'm not afraid of heights, and normally I'm not! But throw me 30 feet up on a slanted rock jutting out over murkey water with the possibility of hitting other slanted rocks jutting out over murkey water below and tell me to jump? No freaking way... And I am not ashamed of climbing down 10 feet before I had the guts to jump in. That and my friends threatened to drive away and leave me there till I jumped....^^

^^Four girls and one boy. I think Kelton has this whole "friend" thing rigged.^^

^^I've never laughed so hard in my life. It's a good thing there was water splashing all over the place to disguise the fact I was peeing myself I was laughing so hard!^^

Cabin time this year was on point.
Gabe and I suck at fishing.
Jake and Elaine are the coolest aunt and uncle ever.
Sometimes it's okay to take a nap when you can't hardly hold your dang head up.
I have a new found love for kayaking. 
The Pioneer Day parade is funner with your cousins.
I only need to go to the rodeo about once every few years.
AND, mud fights are the funnest thing ever. Especially when you nail your cousin in the face multiple times. #gotgoodaim  #sorrykylee  #atleastitdidntsmellbad

^^soooooooo tired^^

^^Posin 4 da h8erzz^^

Then we hiked table rock. Which may or may not have been a good idea. 
The sore butt muscles said it was a bad idea.
The view at the top and the people we hiked it with said it was a superb idea.
I'll let you decide.
(the answer is it was a good idea)

^^Gabe was tired so he laid down on the side of the trail to take a's fine.^^

^^That little black dot in the middle of the pic you have to squint to see is a moose. A real, live moose. In nature? Who woulda thunk.^^

^^this is pretty much how we always are. I'm trying to cheat and he's wrestling my arms off his pile.^^

^^Gabe was tired so he laid down on the edge of the cliff we were sitting on to take a nap...... it's fine^^

^^Thanks for the photo bomb sis^^

^^See? Arm wrestling again^^

^^Post hike beverages. At this point we were all just trying to stand up like normal people and keep our eyelids open.^^

So there you have it. Some of my OUTDOOR adventures this summer. Being lazy was a good time but nothing beats getting outside and breathing clean air, getting a little extra sun, and making some kick-booty memories.

So here's my advice to you...
Put down the ice cream, grab a buddy, go outside, walk around, do some instagram worthy activities, then come home, take a shower, and pop in your favorite chick flick.
That my friends, is the recipe for a perfect summer day.

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