Hi my name is Sierra and I lift weights.
^^105 lb push press^^
I love working out. I love pushing my body beyond it's capabilities, beyond my comfort zone. I love being a girl and being strong. I'm dang proud of the work I put in day in and day out to be healthy and fit. Seriously it's the best thing ever. And I love that all the extra training I'm busting my butt to do is preparing me for what's coming up in just a few DAYS (cough, cough...... college soccer)!!!!!!!!!
^^40 lb sand bag mile carry^^
I think it's the coolest thing for girls to be strong and to excel at sports and stuff. I'm actually quite passionate about it. And if someone, anyone, gives a girl a hard time about the sport they ROCK at (whether it's soccer, weight lifting, tennis, basketball, whatever) I genuinely get offended.
It just means you're jealous ;)
So to any girl reading this blog post who is as passionate about sports and fitness as I am, YOU'RE MY FAVORITE PERSON. Keep working your butt off, keep pushing yourself, keep excelling at sports, just keep it up because whatever you're doing, it's working.
(And to anyone who makes fun of a powerful girl, you're a weenie.)
^^185 lb dead lift thank you^^
Can I just say that I LOVE CROSS FIT?!?!?! It's been the most amazing thing for me this year. I've only been working out at a cross fit gym since January, and in these past 7 months I've seen so much improvement in my strength, speed, and endurance!
I love the feeling of mastering a movement or getting a PR or the fastest time of the day. There's just something about it that's so exhilarating!
^^box jumps baby!^^
Granted it's been some of the toughest exercise I've ever done. Cross fit is not for the faint of heart! Sometimes I finish a workout and feel like I'm going to die. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to die in the middle of a workout! But as crazy as it sounds, that feeling is part of the fun! Seriously people. If you've never tried cross fit you're living your life wrong.
^^heavy front squat complex (pardon the iphone screenshots)^^
Another really awesome feeling is when you tear the skin on the palms of your hands open after doing 40 something pull-ups or toes to bar. It sucks at the time and takes forever to heal and your hands look like hamburger..... but how freaking cool amirite?!?!
You're working so hard that your skin can't handle the pressure. In other words, home gurl can't hang. And I feel like that's something to be proud of.
^^so many pull-ups^^
^^this doesn't look too bad but trust me when I say it hurt like a freaking mother...^^
I'm so thankful for the chance I had to do cross fit as part of my training this summer. I'm really sad there isn't a gym close to SVU! (gay) The people that I met going to cross fit are totally my people. They're so awesome and encouraging and they feel like family! I can't wait to get back to Kage when I come home to visit.
Strength is beauty. Beauty is strength.