Friday, June 20, 2014

too cool for anymore high school

I apologize in advance for the worlds longest blog post (this one). If you don't want to read it, just scroll on through. If you do want to read it, you're a true friend and I love you. But seriously, it's sooooo long. A lot of stuff happened in my life okay?

Whell. It's official. I'm a graduated woman. SWEET HALLELUJAH. 
I made it, kids. 
Blood, sweat, tears and all.
I made it!!

I worked my butt off in high school because to me, grades are soooo important. I'd have my mom look at my grades on line (they'd be 97s, 100s, 94s, 98s) and I'd tell her I was sorry for how bad they were and that I'd work my hardest to get them up. And her response was always, "get them up to where?" because they were already super high! So yeah. I wouldn't classify myself as a nerd (trust me, I did my fair share of slacking), but I was passionate about getting good grades and maintaining good grades.

So it's with great pride and honor that I got to graduate SUMMA CUM LAUDE (4.0 or higher. #wut).

And the super cool thing is, so did all of my close friends.

^^To celebrate our smartness, we all piled into Rose's truck and got some snocones.^^

^^If this isn't the coolest pic you've ever seen then you need to re-evaluate your life.^^

So that happened.

 We did all the ceremonial "senior" things the last week we were in that place. Liiiiike put our hand prints on a big ugly rock (why is this a thing?), took a picture in our grizz girls sweatshirts, went to a slide show of pictures from the year, and failed our last English test.

^^which letter am I?^^

And then it was FINALLY our very last day of high school forever. It was actually pretty anticlimactic because the seniors are done a whole week before everyone else. So it was pretty much a regular day with the happy fact that we didn't have to come back. EVER.
^^My mom insisted on taking my picture on my last day. I was less than thrilled as you can clearly see.^^

We went out with a bang and left that place with no RAGRETS. (haha)
 And by bang I mean we jumped like we were in High School Musical then casually strolled out the doors.

We celebrated by sitting around a fire for almost 4 hours. It doesn't sound like what a normal end of high school forever party would be like, but trust me when I tell you, it was the shiz-nits. 

So that happened.

Then that weekend was like, the unofficial official start to summer. I went long boarding for the first time this summer, got a snocone, went to the drive-in (slept through the whole movie), and we even had hot dogs over a fire and watermelon to celebrate.

^^Just Joel and two girls. The usual.^^

So that happened.

Then we went to Galoon. AKA Lagoon.
Rather than bore you with the details about how I was with my very best friends allllll day, and how we didn't have to wait in lines because it wasn't crowded, and how every ride we got off shut down for maintenance right after we were on it, and how me Rose and Gabe were brave and rode the sky coaster together (bonding moment), and how we got slushies before we left and just stood at the dispenser topping off our cups while the sales lady wasn't looking, and how we got bored on the bus ride home so decided to take ratchet selfies, I'll just show you all my pictures instead. :)

^^please appreciate the facials.^^

So that happened.

Then, we walked.
But first, we took 75765019 pics. So here's 5.

It was pretty surreal actually. The speeches were awesome, it was hot as fetch in the gym, and no one cried (my mom doesn't count, she cries at everything). Successful graduation I'd say.

^^If this isn't the best picture you've ever seen, you need to re-evaluate your life.^^


We then proceeded to party hardy at the all night graduation shin-dig. From 10pm to 7am we were all **cue Katy Perry song ** WIDE AWAKE.
So after that, I came home and slept till 3 haha!
It was awesome.

^^Only a lot little sleepy^^

So that happened.

And that's my life everyone!

Shout out to all the awesome people who made my time at Skyline High School so worth it. I wouldn't be where I am without all the love and support and wise words and encouragement I've gotten from the people I care about most. Now, we're all going to be headed in a million separate directions to start our lives as real grown ups (tears). 
It's been a good ride, guys. I love you all. 

Thanks for the memories, SHS. It's been real, it's been fun, it's been some of the hardest years of my life. And I wouldn't have done it any other way.

Cheers to the high school years!

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Loved reading this!! You are so fun! You will be glad you took the time to document all this!!!
