Anyone who knows me knows that I HATE the dentist. The scraping of metal on my pearly whites, the nasty (and I mean nasty) taste of the tooth polish crap, and the fact that my dentist always tries to talk to me while his fingers are in my mouth........ I really just can't even handle it. So I was more than distraught when I remembered I had an appointment this past week.
*shivers down my spine*
It was an experience for sure.
I went by myself this time so I had my keys on my lap when the doc walked in. The hygienist was in the middle of flossing my teeth (owch) so I clearly couldn't say anything when he started talking. He saw my keys and said, "Are you driving now??" And in my head I'm like, "Well duh..." And then he said, "How old are you now? 15? 16?" And that was a shot to the dignity gosh dang it. 15!? Really!? I just closed my eyes and let the hygienist do her thing.
I hate the dentist.
The only good thing that came out of that appointment was the bubblegum toothpaste. I was transported back to my childhood with that magical stuff. It is absolutely wonderful!
Speaking of childhood, we discovered that I'm not allergic to TRIX CEREAL. Oh my goodness it's like the heavens opened and angles descended. I had tears in my eyes as I savored every single bite of that sugary goodness.
This was seriously the best day of my life.
Also, I discovered something that bugs me this week. Awkward hugs and handshakes. Seriously people. If you're going to give me a hug, make it good hug. None of that half pat/I don't really want to touch you crap. If you're going in for the hug then you clearly want one. So don't be lame about it. Also, handshakes suck. I'd rather just high five. BUT... if the shake is necessary, then I'm expecting a good, non-fishy handshake.
Call me crazy loco, but I'm passionate about my hugs/handshakes okay?
Another thing I did this week (I know... this post is super random. But it's my life so deal.), was sing at the top of my lungs in the car with my mom. It. Was. The. Funnest. My favorite song right now is Say Something so when it comes on in the car, even if I'm mid sentence, everything stops and I just jam out. I love jamming to this song so much that when my mom starting to sing along I asked her to stop so she wouldn't ruin it. Then I played it a second time so she could sing with me. It was the bomb!
So yeah. This is my life and all I have to say for now.
Here, enjoy this selfie.
Happy spring folks! Go eat a pickle or something.
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