Thursday, December 26, 2013

wannabe photographer

I have this new hobby and it's called photography.
 I've always kinda liked taking pictures and capturing moments, so I decided to dig a little deeper into this stuff for my senior project. It would be a fun way to do a huge assignment that determines whether or not I graduate... So I thought win, win amirite? Fun + good grades = happy Sierra.
 Guys, I'm telling you, this isn't only a win, win... it's a WIN, WIN. 
I'm hooked like an addict and I don't even care.
Photography is the and my new love.
The only thing is, I'm such an amateur.
But who cares?
Not me, that's who.

So the other day I grabbed Lyndsey and we went on a little mini shoot excursion so I could practice and stuff. And you know what? These pics aren't half as bad as I was expecting. Granted I still have a loooong way to go to reach National Geographic status, I was pretty darn impressed with myself.

And let's just talk about my sister for two seconds. Holy grown up. I swear yesterday I was pushing her around in my little baby stroller when she was just a wee tike. And now look at her. She's a STUNNA.
DISCLAIMER: warning to all boys that try to get cozy at the cone with this woman. I will find you, and I will kill you.......
But phareel. She's hot.
Just look.

I told you I still have a long way to go. But I'm oh so excited to develop this new skill. I've already spent hours on pinterest getting cool ideas, so I mean, I'm getting kind of somewhere (pinterest sucks ya in I tell you). 

Just wait you guys. In a few years, my pictures are gonna be siiiiiiiick. 

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