20. So I had my first job this summer. Selling fireworks. And the best part was that I was a manager. Holla at ya woman. It was really fun/hectic/stressful/so awesome all at the same time. And I'd do it again in a second.
19. We made it to the cabin this summer. Only once. But hey! I love that place so I'll take what I can get. The only bad part of the day was that Jake sliced his hand open on a can of beans. Really funny but really sad. He now has six stitches. Crazy stuff happens in the wilderness.
//that canoe life.....looking good mom\\
18. We went school shopping in Salt Lake for like three days. I hate shopping but I love getting new clothes. So I guess it was an acceptable sacrifice. Especially since I got four pairs of shoes out of it.
//this is a little embarrassing\\
17. Long boarding is the funnest. And I got pretty good at it this summer. I'm just a real life skating hipster.
//just check out that swag\\
16. I love that during the summer I get to work out every single day. It makes me so happy and I feel 1,000 times better. It's awesome. (no pics because i obviously don't take them while i run. i'm not that weird)
15.Starting this blog of course! It's been super fun to document my life in a different way. YAY for blogging.
14. Guys. I have the best friends in the world. And the best part of summer is being able to hang out with them and have late night adventures every single day. I love being a kid just for that reason. Shout out to my home girls and my top dudes! You know who you are.
//one time, we made waffles at midnight\\
13. I loved getting to see my pal Burton from EFY. That was such a happy friendship time. (no picture for this one.... frown)
12. Redecorating my room was killer. I love it. It's cool. It's fly. I got to use power tools. So basically it was an all around win.
11. Family time is the bestest time. And hiking up to Iron Bog lake was no excuse. It was so much fun!
10. My buddy Gabe and I have this thing we do regularly. It's called walk around the river at night. We just walk and talk and it's a really good way for both of us to just relax. I love those walks with that awesome boy.
//pre late night walk. we can't sit still for a nice picture to save our lives\\
9. SOCCER CAMPS. That's all.
8. Sunsets are beautiful and wonderful and inspirational and magical and they make me oh so happy. Summer is the most perfect time for sunsets. They're always so good! I have 74742705638 pictures of sunsets just from this summer.
7. I love color. I love running. I love that these two things were combined for the color vibe 5k. It was sooooooooo-o-o fun-un-un.
6. The Park City soccer tourney at the very beginning of the summer was awesome. It was the absolute best way to end the best season. (no picy pics)
5. Boating is my favorite summer activity. Too bad I don't have a boat. So I guess mooching off of friends to ride in their boat is my favorite summer activity. LOVE.
4. It's my senior season of High School soccer! (insert me screaming)
//we have 11 seniors. that's insane, is it not?\\
3. One Republic officially owns my heart. Going to Utah with my best friends was the best.
2. I really like Chicago. We packed so much adventure into one day, it was nuts.... But it was so fun and I'm so glad I got the opportunity to take a visit.
1. There is so much I could say about my trip to Virginia. It was no doubt my number one favorite thing that I did this summer. Beach, Theme Park, College, American History. It was the best week ever!
I'm a little lot sad that summer has come to an end. But as I sit here thinking about starting my last year of high school tomorrow, I can honestly say that I'm ready. I may be panicking a little, but I'm ready.
Thanks summer. You were too good to me. I'll see you in about 9 months. Cheers!
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