Sunday, June 23, 2013

24 years!

//this picture kills me. i mean, just look at them!\\

This bright and sunshiny day is one to go down in the books of monumental stuff that happens in the Sorenson family. Yes. Today would be my parents' 24th anniversary! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!
Seriously though guys, it's kind of a big deal.

Reminiscing with my mommy has been really fun. We pulled out her old "wedding journals" and looked through old pictures and stuff. It was actually quite hilarious. To see what my parents looked like at my age (my mom was 18 when she got married) is probably one of the greatest sources of entertainment on the planet! Okay maybe not... but I was definitely interested for a solid ten minutes.

//this one is the favorite because it looks like my dad is holding their child.... that's my mom's little sister. it's so funny and awkward i die every time i see it.\\

//they're just too adorable!\\

Well, mom and dad, congratulations on making it a whole 24 years. You two may not be perfect, but you're perfect for each other and I hope that I'll have a marriage like yours one day.

Just for funzies, here's a few pics we can all feel free to laugh at.

//the name of the game must be awkward because they are like the definition of the word. there's a story to go with this picture and it goes like this. my dad has a little sister named Suzanne and she was at her school dance. my parents decided they wanted to go see her AT HER SCHOOL DANCE. no. just no. so they went to her dance and had their picture taken!!! and that's what this is. so there. how weird are they? i don't even know\\

//love this, love them\\

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