Be prepared for the longest, most scrambled post of your life. This may seem like a lot to take in (it'll probably take you a good long time to read it) but I just thought it was too good to not be shared.
My heart is full and my soul is happy as I sit here and think about the wonderful day I've had. Not only did I get to spend some quality time with my family, but I got to go to church to learn and draw closer to my Savior. I think today's church experience was especially great because I've been thinking about missions and missionaries so much lately. And for the whole month of June we've been learning all about the Priesthood. How perfect. Missionaries+Priesthood=The most perfect spiritual experience. And like I always say and believe 110%, everything happens for a reason. So the fact that today's lessons were all about missionaries and the Priesthood was seriously the greatest thing ever. Like, equivalent to a spiritual home run or something.
Okay pause there. I'll get back to what happened at church in a little bit, but first we have to take a detour.
I sure do love missionaries. Let me tell you what. They have such a special place in my heart. To think about worthy young men so willing to devote two years of their lives to nothing but service to the Lord really touches my heart. And as I've grown up and gotten closer to the age where those young men say their "see you laters"and leave for their missions, it has become even more special to me-all because I get to see my closest friends and family make that choice to serve. Once they actually leave and it all becomes real, once those young men set out to do what they've been preparing for their whole lives, I just want to jump for joy at how proud I am of each and every one of them. I love those missionaries. They are definitely some incredible spiritual giants.
One of my most favorite parts is reading about missionary experiences. I dunno, there's just something about reading those stories that allows me to feel the spirit so strongly. And it is in those moments when I know those boys are where they're supposed to be and that the Gospel is 100% true. No doubt whatsoever. I have a handful of friends out on the mish right now and nothing makes me happier than getting a letter from one of those cute boys.
+++Elder Spencer Maxfield is currently serving in California in a little town called Norco (apparently they don't have sidewalks there..... instead they use horse paths). Something you should know about Spencer... He's the stud of all studs. A total lady killer. But he's also one of the sweetest, most humble and caring guys I've ever met. When you talk to him, he's the type of person that takes a genuine interest in what you have to say. He really made a strong impression on me during my sophomore year and I really look up to him and his example. A little while back he sent me a letter with one of my favorite stories that goes like this..... "We had one of the coolest experiences of my mission so far happen yesterday. For the past two weeks we've been struggling to get people to church so all week we've been inviting and asking, trying to get people to commit to coming. One of those investigators is Lalo. Lalo and his mother-in-law, Lydia, were referred to us by a less active family a couple weeks ago and, as it turns out, it was totally inspired! Thursday we met with Lalo and Lydia and were talking to them a little about church and the gospel before we got into out actual lesson, and Lalo says,"yeah, i probably won't join your church but i'm fine to hear about it." That phrase sucked.... But we invited him to church and he said he'd want to. He'd been struggling with a drug addiction right when we met him and he felt he needed Jesus so why not check out the church? ps.. he's been going to revival, a born again, anti-LDS place for a while. So we arranged for Lalo to come to church; we'd come get him and bring him a tie so he'd feel like he could fit in. We get him there Sunday and he's actually really excited to be coming to church. It was sweet. The only thing we were nervous about was that it was fast Sunday... Yes, we love when people bare their testimonies but people sometimes say ridiculous things up there. Anyways, it's been a good meeting; so far a lot of people shared some good testimonies and there was a good spirit. Lalo turned to us and said, "can i go up there too?" Oh we went nuts! We told him to go, don't worry about time or anything. He got up and spoke and said some of the most sincere and genuine things I've ever heard. He first said thank you to us- which was super kind- for bringing him and how greatful he was. He said he knew we were sent to him by God because he'd been going through a hard time. After that he said how much he liked it here and how good it felt followed by, "i'll be here every week, i like it here a lot." It's a small step yes, but one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed. The spirit touched his heart and made him realize this is where he needs to be. From saying he probably won't join to I'll be here every week, it was amazing. The spirit was super super strong. There's my long and drawn out story of Lalo going to church but it definitely was a miracle. The Lord totally provides them, it's so sweet!" Spencer is doing so well and loving every part of his mission. He always makes me smile and I love seeing his testimony grow stronger with every letter.

//here's a picture of Elder Maxfield (left) and one of his first comps, Elder Sweeney (right)\\
+++Elder Jordan Bell is currently serving in Utica, New York while he waits for his visa to serve the people of Brazil. Jordan was/is like the older brother I never had. He would always take the time to listen to my latest boy problems or soccer accomplishments, and he would always give me the best advice. He was really a diamond in the rough. Someone that easily bonded with anyone. Whenever I'd see him after a long period of time apart I'd run and jump into his arms and he'd give me the biggest bear hug and twirl me around. He really made me feel loved and cared for (in a brotherly-sisterly way of course) and that is one thing that I'll always cherish about him. His family posts all of his letters and pictures on his very own blog and I love reading it whenever it's updated. Even though he was temporarily reassigned to a different state-side mission (which might be discouraging for some boys) he has kept the most positive attitude, and that has been such a strong example to me. He was serving in NY with a few other Elders also waiting for visas. However, as of right now, everyone else has gotten their tickets and left and he's the only one still state-side. But here's what he had to say about that. He said this,
"I am the only one left in New York! I was a little bummed when I discovered this but earlier this week my companion, Elder Sarsozo, shared a story that I will never forget! There are two spirits that are best friends in the preexistence. They really do everything together! One day both of their calls came for Earth so they go to the tree where their calling is hanging. One of them plucks his call and it says, "you will be born into a family with the gospel."
Both of them are so excited! The other picks his call and opens it. It says, "you will be born into a family that doesn't have the gospel."
With tears in his eyes, he looks at his friend and says, "will you find me?"
I know that I am here to find those friends and I love them and I try my very hardest each and every day to find them and help them and remind them who they are! Children of our Heavenly Father!" When I first read that I had to do some major choking back of the tears. How tender is that story? And it's so true! The job for all of us, whether a called missionary or not, is to find those spiritual friends to lead and guide them back. PS if you want to join the coolest bandwagon there is and start following Elder Bell's blog too, go right on ahead and click

//not even kidding.. we spent nearly three hours at chilies that day because we we're just talking! it wasn't anything major and we were definitely chatting about random, pointless crap, but it was so fun and probably one of my most favorite days of my entire sophomore year\\
Okay, back to what I was saying before.....
Today at church, sacrament was all about missionaries. We have a boat ton of young men serving from our ward, so some of their parents gave talks on how they were doing and neat experiences and stuff... and that was just the coolest of cool.
Then in Sunday school, our teachers (the brusmans. aka the funnest sunday school teachers on the block. and that's really saying something) explained the importance for young men to use their Priesthood and for all of us to protect it and keep it close to our hearts. Bro Brusman compared it to hiking Angels Landing in Zion National Park. He said the Priesthood was like climbing up that two-foot-wide cliff. There are hand chains along the way to keep you safe from slipping and falling thousands of feet to a certain death. Those chains are put there for a reason and if you think you don't need that extra help and extra protection while you're hiking, then you run the risk of confronting major trouble. This is exactly like the Priesthood. It was given to men to help, guide, and protect themselves while the very face of danger is only two feet away. Also, they have the power to protect, heal, and bless those that may not have the Priesthood such as women, children, nonmembers, etc. It is a divine gift available to all of God's children to use, just like the hand chains. The Priesthood has the power to perform miracles. It truly is an incredible gift. See what I mean by clicking
What we talked about in Young Women's was equally important. Men have the sacred duty and obligation to use their Priesthood powers in times of need. Women have the sacred duty to help them stay worthy and encourage them to use their power. It is our job to inspire the men in our lives to live worthy and to exercise the God given power they hold to heal, protect, and receive revelation. If we do this, then we too will be blessed by the Priesthood. Us women have more control over men than we realize. They practically worship the ground we walk on. Seriously. That is why it is so important for young girls who have friends that are preparing to go on missions to realize that they have the ability to influence those boys for so much good.
Like I said, today was really good! So good that I just had to pour out my thoughts and feelings into this monumental post of all posts. I just can't get over how much I love missionaries and the Priesthood. They both bring me so much peace, joy, and comfort in my life. I know that missionaries are called of God. And I know that the Priesthood is power ordained from God. We watched this video last summer at EFY and it's been one of my very favorites ever since. It was so powerful to me and it explains pretty much everything that I just tried to write about missionaries and the priesthood all in three minutes and forty-five seconds. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
So there you have it! My ridiculously long, possibly hard to read, post of all posts about my totally uplifting Sunday. Cheers folks!