Thursday, January 30, 2014


Dear diary,
I have the coolest little sister in the world. 
But shhhhhh..... Don't tell anyone because I'm supposed to be the cool one. 
The End.

On the reals kids, I legit have the coolest sister ever. I absolutely adore her and think the world of her. I might not always make it that obvious... but trust me. She is the super star of all super stars.

She's freaking hilarious. 
The other day, I come home and my dad immediately tells me this story. My mom took Lyndsey and her dance partner, Michael, to dinner, and being the kid she is, Lynds ordered ribs. As soon as their food got to the table, my little sister dove right in with her bare hands and stuffed her face. My dad went on to explain that while she was eating, Michael just stared at her. After realizing what he was doing he said, "I'm sorry, I've just never seen a girl eat like that before..." 
SO funny. I laughed way hard at that one. And then gave my sister a high-five for being the coolest there ever was.
And that was one of many Lyndsey-isms that happen all the time. 
Another funny thing that happened the other day was.... I went up to Lyndsey's room to find my dad and I turned so I was facing her bathroom and right in front of me was "the stack". This affectionate name belongs to the most gargantuan pile of dirty laundry I have ever seen in my life. It made me laugh so hard.
^^it's almost as tall as the door frame. i mean c'mon^^

Lyndsey keeps me laughing HARD every day and I love her for it.


Did I mention she's a stud of a dancer? Seriously guys, she kills it every time. I've found my love in soccer and she's found her love in dance. It's so cool that we've both discovered a talent that we're not only good at (sorry to toot my own horn), but are so passionate about too. Lynds spent over 14 hours in the dance studio last week preparing for a competition. Like I said, she's a stud of a dancer. And sometimes, when we have to run errands on the weekend and it's way past our bed times, she even teaches me how to cha-cha through the middle of sams club. It's really fun and really funny and my mom almost pees her pants watching me try to do the wiggle. Good times, my friends.... good times. (hahahahaha oh the memories)
I love watching her shake her hips (haha) and I love sharing stories about dance and soccer with my mini me athlete. 
^^work it girlfriend^^

She teaches me how to be dedicated to my sport and I love her for it.

Lyndsey has one of the best testimonies I've ever heard. Every fast Sunday she asks mom, "Can I go up there?" And without fail, every month, she confidently stands in front of the ward and testifies of the Gospel. It's been amazing to see how much she's grown and learned. I look forward to her simple words of truth every time. It warms my heart and helps my testimony grow too.

She shines with the light of Christ and I love her for it.


This little champ teaches me a lot. Without even knowing it. She's kind and funny, supportive, understanding, and the best example. Sometimes I think that we were born out of order because I'll sit back and think about our relationship and say to myself, "man... I want to be like her when I grow up". 

But don't be fooled. Sometimes we really don't get along. This little chick can drive me nuts to the point of wanting to pull my hair out. But guess what? That's completely normal. It would be weird if we were 100% nice to each other alllllll the time.  

She's a punk....... But I love her for it.  

^^sass masters since 2007^^



I'm sure going to miss this goof ball when I move away for college. Thank heavens for skype and facetime.... She's my best buddy. My partner in crime, and my FAVORITE little sister.

I love you Lynds! You rock my world.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Southern Virginia University

The most amazing thing happened on Monday.

I committed to play soccer at Southern Virginia University!!!

It just blows my mind.
I'm so beyond excited I can't even contain it!!!!

It all started in 5th grade when I went to my first soccer camp at BYU. I walked away from that week thinking I wanted to play college soccer. And as I've gotten older and fallen even more in love with this sport (i know what you're thinking. how is that even possible), that desire to play at the next level has only grown and gotten stronger.
I can't believe the day finally came where I was able to call the head coach of a university and say, "I would love nothing more than to commit to play soccer for you."
Seriously it's a dream come true.

I had my mind made up for about a week. And since we were on break I thought I'd wait until the following Monday to call my coach and give him the news. I rushed home from school, sent him a quick text to see if I could call, and as soon as I got a reply I was dialing.

 I had so much adrenaline and excitement in me that when he finally answered, I had the biggest grin on my face and all I wanted to do was scream and jump up and down. It was wild, kids. 
After delivering the greatest news ever (he told me i made his day) I hung up and just started laughing and making really weird noises.... I think I did this because I was on the verge of crying I was so happy. And who wants to cry in front of your whole family? Not me.

The very next thing I did was tell my closest friends and family. My homegirl Rose had THE BEST reaction to the news. EVER. Seriously, this is why we're friends.

Southern Virginia University.
Dang that's far away. But I don't even care!
Because I know with all of my heart that SVU is the place where I need to be for the next four years of my life. 

So there you have it everyone. Southern Virginia University is the winner winner chicken dinner. Ask me how excited I am because I will more than gladly tell you all about it. 


That sentence needed to be all caps because it's basically the whole moral of my story.

I really really can't wait for college soccer though.



I'm still letting it all sink in.

I'm a committed college athlete.

Holy cow....

I love soccer so much.

the end 
(so crazy if you can't tell)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

posts on posts on posts

I am a type three personality-which means I like to write lists. But I don't want to turn into a list lady. I just want to document every single thing that happens in my life, you know!? 

So here's what I've decided for today.... I'm gonna write lots of little blog posts all in one blog post! My thoughts are super jumbled, and I think I have ten thousand things to say but I'm not really sure, so I guess just read on if you really want to.
I mean, after all I am an emotional teenage girl and this blog is my journal sort of. 
So I guess this will all make perfect sense.
So here we go.
(i say so a lot)

Rose and I went to the new Justin Bieber movie this day. Lemme just tell you a little something about my love for the Biebs..... I don't care how much of a punk he is (cause let's face it he is) and I don't care what anyone thinks, I will ALWAYS be a JB fan. Till the day I die. And his movie just revamped my love for him all over again! I follow him on instagram, I have a cardboard cut out of him in my room, I've watched his first movie prolly a hundred times, and a year ago today I saw him live in concert. That will always be one of my favorite days of my life. On the reals, I just love him.
Also, Rose and I were the ONLY ones in the theater. It was amazing. And also, the camera on my phone was being really retarded that day. I just kept pressing the take button, thinking that it was being slow and not working... I had no idea it was taking pictures the whole time. 
So this is what happened.

Ugh.... such ugly pictures, I don't even want to talk about it. (i basically looked homeless all break)
So Monday was pretty much a really awesome day.

Tuesday was the raddest day of skiing that I've had in a real long time. Rose and I shredded Targhee like it was our job. And even though the top was completely fogged in, it didn't slow us down in the slightest. The snow was perfect, and we only face planted like, four times total between the two of us. So much success and such a FUN day. One of the highlights was probably one of the lift rides we had. We sat next to this really cool couple who talked to us about really random and funny things. Then the dude was like, "Do you guys watch skiing on TV at all?" And me and Rose were like, "Nah not really..."  And then the dude was like, "Well you are currently riding the lift with a Sochi Olympic hopeful." (que jaw dropping) This is the part in the story where Rose and I turned into such fans and blabbed on and on about how cool that was and how lucky we felt and how cool that was and how we'd watch for her on TV and how cool that was. And of course this was just after we got done telling them how amateur we were at skiing, and how we thought it was so sick that we could catch two inches of air on a box in the terrain park.. Seriously, we're the lamest kids. 
(watch for Maddie Bowman in a month and think of me, okay?)
It was the best ski day ever.

We partied. 
Welcome 2014. 
This year is gonna be a huge year for me and for all of my friends.
 It's also gonna be one of the best years ever! 
I can tell.
Let's kill it.
^^no worries.... it's sparkling cider^^

Lyndsey and I went grocerie shopping for my mom all by ourselves. It was actually really fun despite the fact that we had to call mom for every single item on the list. Really, it was great. 
We were almost done and Lyndsey turns to me and says, "What are we having for dinner?"
So I said, "Hamburgers." 
Then Lyndsey calls Mom and I'm thinking okay whatever. And then she asks Mom, "What are we having for dinner?" 
And Mom says, "Hamburgers."
What the heck...? 
^^we couldn't find where we parked so we took a pic^^

^^and if this isn't the most perfectly horrible polaroid you've ever seen, then i don't know what is^^

This was an extra good day.
 My best friend baptized his little sister!
 I'm so glad they invited me to come because it was honestly the coolest thing ever. I'm so proud of Gabe and proud that he's worthy to be able to do something like that. And his little sister is THE CUTEST 8 year old I've ever met.

What a week it has been. We started 1 o'clock church today too. THAT is going to be a struggle and a half for the next 7 months.
And unfortunately school starts again tomorrow. Wish me luck and patience so I don't fail a test or kill anyone.... 
