Friday, August 23, 2013

all natural

Let me give you some facts about myself.
1. I hate clothes.
2. I hate makeup.
3. I hate doing my hair.

Let me give you some more facts about myself.
1. I've worn nothing but soccer clothes all summer.
2. I haven't worn makeup in 76 days.
3. My hair has been on a heat fast for 76 days.

Let me give you one more fact.
**those previous three facts were the best decisions of my life**

I made it a goal to go the whole summer without makeup and blow drying/straightening/styling my hair and let me tell you what, I might just do this for the rest of forever because it made my life 570165% better. No joke, I think I'm on to something here. It cut the time I normally take getting ready in half and because I'm so lazy, that was like, a gift to myself every day. It was so great. Plus, I loooooove being able to rub my eyes whenever the crap I want to. Another gift to myself. It's like Christmas up in here.

Guess what else guys, I actually learned a few things. Who needs makeup? I can't tell you how many compliments I got about being a 'natural beauty'. Not trying to toot my own horn here or anything, but think about it! It was such a boost of confidence to hear that people think I look nice without having to put forth much effort. I was dressing for myself and no one else. And that made me one happy chick for 76 days straight. AND! When you leave your hair natural for that amount of time, it grows. Told you I was on to something. It may look a little crazy every now and again, but it's so worth it! And those nasty split ends? Gone. Natural hair is happy hair.

I'm so glad I did this all summer because I realized that I don't need those few things in my life to feel pretty or to get attention or to feel good about myself. Being me and doing things for me and only caring about how I see myself is so wonderful. There is nothing quite like loving yourself the way Heavenly Father created you.

Give it a try ladies. No makeup and natural hair. It'll make your life better and you'll feel great about yourself. I promise.

I'm completely serious about what I just wrote. But I thought this picture was nice so please enjoy.

//no makeup no worries\\

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

extreme makeover... bedroom edition

After over a week of planning, preparing, carpenting, painting, hanging, stressing, sweating, and decorating.... my room is a completely different room. It's like a combination of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (because my room needed a serious face lift), What Not To Wear (because my room needed a serious face lift), and Flip This House (because my room needed a serious face lift). It is no longer a collage of all my teenage personalities thrown together uncoordinatedly <--- is that a word? It is now a coordinated collage of my near adulthood personalities. AND I LOVE IT! It looks so good guys.

The theme is.... Beach. It all started when my dad brought a mini surf board home to me from California. It was the perfect inspiration. And since I love the beach oh so much, I was like, "Yo. Let's make my room a beach room thingy thing." And my mom was like, "Yo. That's a good idea." So that's exactly what we did.

Check out the before...

//jb is just chillin in the background. it's whatever\\

My mom and I are such amateurs. It's ridiculous actually. Watching us try to figure out nail guns for a solid 10 minutes, and stressing out because the screws won't go in the wall all the way, and screaming because we're so frustrated with paint is really a sight to see. I'm just glad it's over with....

And here's the after........!

//pre decor\\

Life's a beach. And so is my room. Cheers!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

friends for eternity

Last night was one of the best nights in a while. All we did was long board, light some fireworks, get free water from Wendy's, and drive around while talking. It wasn't the biggest party on the block but I had SO MUCH FUN. And the reason why it was such a great night was because of the people I was with....

EFY is life changing for so many reasons. The spiritual growth, the self realization, and the people you meet. It really is true that once you make friends at EFY, you're friends for the rest of forever. And one of the happiest things there is to think about is the fact that we will all be together when we make it to the celestial kingdom. It gives me such a heartwarming feeling to imagine myself hanging out with those spiritual giants up in heaven.

Last summer we went to EFY Cedar City. It's no lie that we met some of the most incredible kids.


I love these kids. With all my heart! They are so incredible. We are an EFY family forever!

It was top ten coolest things ever to hang out with an EFY friend last night. Burton lives in Utah and Rose and I met him at Cedar City. We were all part of a family back then, and we definitely still are now. We had so much fun hanging out, catching up, and reminiscing about the good times we had at EFY. Seriously it was THE BEST. 

//this was then. i'm so sad we didn't take any rad pics last night...\\

Even though we don't get to see each other very often (and it's honestly a real treat when we do) we will be friends for eternity. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

year four

It has begun.... My last season of high school soccer is underway and I'm so excited! Actually I have mixed feelings about all this... My last season. Where has the time gone?! I remember trying out as a freshman and being so worried that I wasn't going to make it. And now I'm here. SENIOR YEAR. It's crazy. 

And wanna know what's even more crazy?? Tryouts have been brutal to say the least. In all my four years of being here, the workouts have never been this hard. And it's so frustrating because I've been training my butt off all summer. But the conditioning we've been doing has nearly killed me! C'MON! Oh well. It'll all be worth it when games start. 

I can't wait for games to start! I love love love high school soccer games. The rivalries, the hype, the game winning goals. It's all sooooo much fun. My focus for this season is to just go do my thing and enjoy every second of it. Now is the time to work hard, play my best, and leave my mark on Skyline Soccer. 

Cheers to soccer, cheers to skyline, and cheers to senior year.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

saturday of champions

Once upon a time, there was a Saturday where all the activities of the day were nothing but F-U-N fun. It was the ultimate summer day, hands down. In the morning we did the color vibe 5k. It was probably the funnest time I've ever had working out. And I've always wanted to play in that color stuff so it was basically a dream come true!

After that we went boating. I LOVE BOATING!!! And I'm basically pro at water skiing, and wake boarding, and surfing, and tubing. It was so much fun to spend the afternoon on the water with some of the coolest people that ever walked the planet. (thanks haackes) ps if anyone has a boat and no one to go boating with..... STOP YOUR SEARCH. I'm free to go boating any day, any time. Seriously.

//pre-boat chill time\\

//this is paige killing it on the wake board\\

After spending close to five hours on the boaty boat, we all went to the drive in! It's so ghetto. But oh so fun. We crammed eight bodies in the back of a little white truck and attempted to watch despicable me 2.. It was like the ultimate snuggle fest. And the ultimate giggle fest. I love doing fun things like that with my best buddies. That's what makes summer so fun.

It was non-stop go time from dawn till dusk. Running was rad, boating was rad, squishing eight bodies in one small space was rad. This. Saturday. Was. Rad.

friday night fail

Late night adventures consist of trying to find the 17 mile cave and not finding it. Getting absolutely terrified of the dark in the process. And ending up watching Pretty Little Liars instead. 

It was a fail. But it was a really fun fail. I guess we can check "attempting to do something exciting and new" off the summer bucket list.